Market expansion
Market expansion analysis using Porter 4S, SWOT and NPV (Net Present Value)
Analysis includes sensitivity analysis for highly unknown variables (of cost, price, etc)
Expansion into new market
New Technology Analysis
Competitive intelligence with existing "comparable" technology
Penetration rate analysis and revenue projections
Risk analysis
Mergers and Acquisition
Target analysis to determine price
private companies
part of a company
Due diligence
Tool/model that enable client to change the variables/inputs
Intellectual Property Valuation
Conduct Intellectual Property valuation using various methods
Valuation of units/plants for sale
Asset sale
Intellectual Property (IP) valuation
Expertise with transition services (IT, financial services, etc.)
Profitability Improvement
Identified key drivers of profitability, both on revenue and cost sides
Analyze profitability trends up to the past 10 years
Suggest profitability improvement plan